Root Candles Paschal Designs

Paschal Candle Designs Root Candles is one of our most unique case studies, as it's something we've never done before. The marketing team at Root came to us in 2018 wanting new, custom illustrations for their 2019 collection of Paschal candles. These large candles are used by the Catholic Church in special ceremonies and at [...]

King Nut Trade Show Booth

Trade Show Booth Design King Nut Companies came to us for help with a new trade show booth. They wanted something that was easy to assemble and transport, eye-catching, with shelves to display actual product. We helped them select a booth manufacturer and sketched out concepts for the large photos. We chose two of their [...]

Mrs. Fields Cookies

Mrs. Fields Packaging Design We had the privilege of working with the creative team at Mrs. Fields Cookies, developing packaging concepts for their seasonal collections. It was definitely a collaborative effort, sharing mood boards, color palette suggestions, and researching trends in the industry. The result is a series of designs that we're really proud of—and [...]

WRLC Vehicle Wrap

Nonprofit Truck Wrap Design Western Reserve Land Conservancy wanted a new vehicle wrap to promote its conservation efforts in the greater Cleveland area. They wanted to emphasize direct ways for the community to get involved, and specific conservation efforts. We were able to source an exact die line for their vehicle and design a wrap [...]

Applied, Inc. Vehicle Wrap

Truck Wrap Design Applied Home Healthcare Equipment and SuperFlash came to us needing a vehicle wrap for their box truck. The challenge was to combine the two companies into a cohesive design that is recognizable to either company's clients. The design was very well received and they continue to use it to this day. CREATIVE [...]